Fingerprint Template

Design and Implementation of Check on Work Attendance System Based on Fingerprint Template
A New Classifiable Algorithm of Fingerprint Template Based on Backpropagation Neural Networks
When the fingerprint template in the collection makes use of the fingerprint template synthesis template collection more comprehensive and accurate .
Though the fingerprint template is added in spatial domain , the efficiency is equivalent to that of the methods in DFT ( Discrete Fourier Transform ) domain .
In order to identify cheating template site , first clustering based on the DBT for different sites , the sites that contain the same fingerprint template cluster together .
Extracting high quality fingerprint template and studying fingerprint matching algorithms based on minutia with high accuracy and robustness , are preconditions to implement Challenge / Response verification based on biometrics .
The fashion of comparison in card ( or key ) is adopted to complete the contrast about fingerprint template , and the trust chain in E-government trust platform is set up by people as fundamental .
Meanwhile the fingerprint characteristic template is updating during the service time to embody the changes of finger skin and perfect the original template . Experimental results show it is more secure , faster and more accurate than customary system .
The template of the input fingerprint and the template of fingerprints from the database are compared to decide whether both of the two fingerprints belong to the same finger .
Method for center point positioning in fingerprint images bases on template matching with parameters
In the fingerprint acquisition process , this paper built fingerprint image template database with 4000 images in it .
Have been collected fingerprint image fingerprint match , according to the characteristics of the fingerprint of the extracted information , and have the fingerprint template matching , using fingerprint matching algorithm for fingerprint information for the right to judge .
Although fingerprint minutiae are considered to be the most discriminative features , the original fingerprint image can be restored from the fingerprint minutiae template , which would threaten the privacy of users .